
Hipster Picnic is zombie dramedy based in post-apocalyptic San Diego, California – a place where an insatiable hunger for human flesh can’t compete with the daily grind of getting by.

Hipster Picnic is a comedy. It’s a tragedy. It is a think-piece ballet interpretation of “Waiting For Godot” crossed with “I Am Legend”. Hipster Picnic is for the dreamers who dare to question the meaning of life and relationships. In a way, Hipster Picnic is for all of us.

But mostly, it’s Hawk eating people parts.

The Cast

About The Author


Patrick has been working as an art educator in southern California for the last six years. He has a degree in graphic design from the New England Institute of Art and an art education degree from Plymouth State University.

His passions are for telling stories and designing ways for people to learn. Patrick founded comic educational resources like The High Tech High Graphic Novel Project, Little Fish Comic Book Studio, Making Comics Worldwide, and The #Comic365 Challenge.  He has also worked with Thrillbent to publish comics.


Contact: py(at)

myarmPatrick has a tattoo on his left forearm of a blank comic.
This is what he draws in it.


theheadcomic2Patrick’s portfolio.