“Zombie Proof The House”

There aren’t any good excuses, just unfortunate ones. Unfortunately I missed updating Hipster Picnic for the last two weeks.  A good deal of the reasons why this happened was because I just did not recuperate from my trip to the west coast from the UK quite as quickly as I thought I could. On top of that I applied to grad school last week and I released a massive open online course with High Tech High and Coursera, so as far as bad excuses go I got some ok ones.

BUT even still, I feel like a complete wanker for not updating on the schedule I promised myself to. I also haven’t sent out the postcards from last month. I think, based on my own need to focus on just creating the art, I am going to discontinue any/all promotional campaigns until I feel like I am comfortable with meeting my comic deadlines.

Don’t worry! If you had written to me to get a postcard previously – I AM WORKING ON THEM. I will probably have them all sent within the next week.

Also – my game plan is to get caught up, and even ahead, in the next two months. If I do get accepted into the grad program I applied for – I am not going to have time to really dedicate myself to HP in September and October. That said, I need to get WAY ahead, so that is what I am going to do.

Feel free to pester me if I get behind again. No wait, don’t.

<3 Patrick

Song Of The Day:

“More Human Than Human” by White Zombie
